A Guide to Using the Medit Splints App: Streamlining Splint Creation

a Guide to Using the Medit Splints App Streamlining Splint Creation

The fabrication of dental splints involves several critical stages, from initial design to the final adjustments before delivery to the patient. Traditionally, this process demanded a considerable amount of time and manual effort. However, the Medit Splints app has transformed this task, making it not only faster but also more accurate through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital workflows. This guide focuses on the design phase of a dental splint using the Medit Splints app, showcasing its efficiency and the role of AI in simplifying dental procedures.


Designing a Dental Splint: The First Step

a Diagram of a Product

The creation of a dental splint begins with its design. This initial phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for the manufacturing process. Using the Medit Splints app, dental professionals can start this process by choosing a splint type and then proceeding with either a manual design approach or opting for the assistance of AI.


Incorporating AI in Splint Design

In a practical demonstration within the app, the design of a Michigan-type splint for an upper arch showcases the app’s capabilities. Here, AI plays a pivotal role by generating a complete splint design in less than a minute, illustrating the technological advancements that have been integrated into the dental field. Despite this automation, the importance of personal oversight is emphasized to ensure the final product meets the practitioner’s exact requirements.


Customization and Adjustments

The app allows for significant customization during the design process. Key adjustments include setting the bite to maintain the patient’s natural bite alignment and customizing the inner surface gap. This specific gap ensures optimal material thickness and proper distance from the tooth, preventing any discomfort. Additionally, the surface texture of the splint can be adjusted to match the retention needs of the patient’s teeth, enhancing the splint’s grip and fit.


Manual Adjustments for Perfect Fit

Further customization is possible through manual adjustments in the app, allowing for precise control over the splint’s design. This includes setting the outer line for full coverage and manually adding specific guidances to ensure the splint not only fits perfectly but also meets the therapeutic needs of the patient.


From Digital Design to Patient Delivery

Although the provided video demonstration primarily covers the design aspect of the splint creation process, it’s important to recognize that this is the first step in a series of phases leading to the final delivery of the splint to the patient. The subsequent steps—manufacturing, polishing, and making final adjustments—are equally important in ensuring the splint’s effectiveness and patient comfort.



Explore Medit Splints App

For a concise visualization of the splint design process discussed in this blog post, you can view a brief video demonstration at this link.

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