Why are colored scans important in digital dentistry?

Colored ScansThe benefits of digital scanning continue to convince dentists to switch from traditional impression-making methods to digital impressions (read more about the benefits of digital impressions here). Quality, speed, and accuracy of digital scans and scanning tools become the center of discussion for the switch from traditional methods to digital methods.

Putting speed aside, the actual quality of the scan is one of the reasons why digital scanning is making its way into dental clinics around the world. Scans that are more realistic and as close to real teeth and gingiva as possible are more helpful for the restoration process.

One way in which scans have begun to improve are with the addition of color.

Having colored scans aids lab technicians in creating a more natural restoration for greater patient satisfaction.

How do colored scans help lab technicians?

Colored scans can greatly help identify margin lines with more precision. Margin lines have always been an eye-sore for dentists and lab technicians alike, so this is a great benefit.

Colored scans help distinguish color transitions on teeth. This is useful for creating a more natural restoration, increasing patient satisfaction.

How do colored scans help dentists?

Colored scans better help to distinguish between soft tissue, plaque, and teeth. Scans that contain colors looking like the natural teeth and gingiva provide an improved scanning process for dentists.

Dentists are better able to distinguish between the various types of restorative materials that may have been used such as metals and enamel when looking at colored scans.

It is easier to recognize bleeding areas on colored scans. Bleeding areas have traditionally been a pain for dentists when producing the traditional impressions.

Collaboration between dentists and lab technicians

Simply put, colored scans will benefit both dentists and lab technicians. As digital collaboration takes its foothold in the dental industry, the more details a scan provide will help both parties create the perfect replication for the patient.

Open color file formats and open systems

Open file systems will prevail over closed systems in the future. Therefore open color file formats such as OBJ and PLY will play crucial roles in the future of digital dentistry. Storing texture and color in your digital files will provide you with a more accurate file of the patient’s information. As patients demand better quality and services, you need to provide them with what they desire in order to remain in the game.

When you consider digital scanning for your dental workflow, having colored scans will make the entire process easier and more effective. Make sure to consider colored scans when making the switch over to the digital world.

Did you like this article? Click here and find more interesting posts related to digital dentistry in Medit dental blog. Also, if you are thinking of buying an Intraoral Scanner, Medit will launch very soon its Medit i500. Click here if you want to know more about this product.

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