Which Scan Will Be More Precise, Full or Half Arch?

Navigating between full and half arch scans for dental restorations? 🦷 The old recommendation was to stick to half arch for single unit restorations. But times have changed!

Discover the precision of Medit scanner and why you shouldn’t shy away from scanning full arches anymore. Our recent study delves into accuracy, occlusion, and the variables that could affect your scans. From single unit restorations to multiple units, get insights on how to get the most accurate representation.

🎥 Watch our comprehensive video to compare the results of full vs. half arch scans and become a pro at using the Medit scanner for all your dental restoration needs: https://hubs.la/Q0271L4R0

#DentalScans #MeditScanner #FullvsHalfArch #DentalRestorations

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