Prep Guide – A Practical Approach to Tooth Preparation

When performing digital scans for dental restorations, the accuracy of tooth preparation is crucial. Using a printed prep guide can help achieve the desired results with simplicity and precision. In this blog post, we’ll explore a real case where a digital printed guide was used effectively.


The Importance of a Prep Guide

In digital smile design, adjusting the length or width of a tooth requires careful control over the preparation. The Digital Printed Guide serves to manage the extent of preparation, ensuring there is enough space for the restorative material.


Case Overview: Rotated Central Incisor

Prep Guide - Case Overview

In this clinical scenario, the patient had a rotated central incisor and wanted the crown to match the neighboring tooth. To achieve this, the dentist needed to create a crown that mirrored the adjacent tooth’s shape and position.


Prep Guide - Using Medit Design Software

Using Medit design software, the dentist removed the rotated tooth and mirrored the neighboring tooth to create a matching template. This template was combined with the model’s base, resulting in a final shape that reflected the desired outcome.


Fabricating and Using the Guide

Prep Guide - Fabricating and Using the Guide

With the final shape established, the next step was to use Medit Splint to fabricate a guide. The guide was essential for ensuring the correct reduction of the buccal surface. By placing the guide and measuring the distance from the mesial buccal line angle, the dentist could control the angles precisely, making sure the restoration matched the neighboring tooth.


Final Results

Prep Guide - Final Results

After using the guide for preparation, a temporary restoration was created based on the model. The final scan was compared to the intended outcome, showing that the preparation was accurate, and the restoration aligned well with the adjacent tooth.



This case demonstrates how a digital printed guide can be an effective tool in controlling tooth preparation, leading to successful restorative outcomes. By following this approach, dental professionals can achieve precise and consistent results.


For a more detailed video demonstration, check out the video above.

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