Are you new to intraoral scanning? If you’re still familiarizing yourself with the digital way of taking impressions, fret not! We’ve got you covered with our new iScan functions which will speed up your learning curve so that you can soon begin scanning like a pro. Check out what these features are below!
Firstly, make sure that you have turned on the audio feedback function so that you will be quickly alerted whenever scanning has been paused momentarily. Another way of checking if scanning is proceeding smoothly would be to look at the color of the rectangle on the live view screen which will be in red if there are issues with the scanning process. Now that you know when to check for issues, let’s move on to the new features that we were talking about earlier.
A great way to check your scanning strategy is to enable the function to show the scanner tip during the replay of your scan. This will allow you to better observe your scanning method to find out what works and what needs to be improved. You can always move the slider bar to the problematic area to replay that part of the scanning process.
Another way of addressing problematic areas would be to fix the camera viewpoint on the area in question. This means that the 3D model will be fixed on the Model View screen and the scan area will move around the 3D model. By using this function, you will be able to check whether or not you have adequately scanned the area that you are focusing on. This function is available both during live scanning and replay.
While it is recommended to scan in standard definition, you may wish to scan certain areas in high definition, especially around the teeth that you will be working on. After scanning, you can check which parts have been scanned in high definition by disabling the color texture option. The scan data in high resolution and standard resolution will be shown in different colors. You can also easily adjust the brightness of the 3D model using the “Adjust Color Texture” feature, if necessary.
Now that you’re done with scanning, what’s next? Checking the results, of course! For a quick check of your scan data quality, change the model display mode to “Reliability Map” to check if there are any areas which contain unreliable data, which will be shown in orange. Scan those areas again and once you get the “all green”, you can proceed to preview your results with the “Results Preview” function. It is a good practice to always perform this action before post-processing to prevent wasting time on processing scan data which may have issues, so be sure to do a quick check after every completed scan!
In this article, we’ve shared some tips on familiarizing yourself with intraoral scanning with the Medit i500 and the iScan software but nothing beats actually practicing it yourself! What are you waiting for? Start scanning and be awed by your results! You can also join our Facebook community below to exchange tips with fellow Medit i500 users.