Interview with Dr. Yun of Columbia Dental Clinic

Interview with Dr. Yun of Columbia Dental ClinicOur Medit team sat down with Dr. Yun of Columbia Dental Clinic for an interview to discuss his clinic’s adoption of Medit’s i500 intraoral scanner. We were excited to hear about their experience with the latest in Medit technology. We are pleased to share parts of the interview with all our readers.

Why did you make the switch to a digital workflow?

I am an orthodontist and the traditional orthodontic treatment method involves a lot of human error, such as pouring the stone mold when making impressions. All kinds of different lab procedures include human errors. These days with new technology, the focus is on getting rid of errors and improving efficiency as much as possible. That is why I am shifting away from the old impression technique toward scanning images and digital procedures.

Have you noticed a large decrease in human error since using the intraoral scanner?

The biggest change has been the time saved. It is much faster to send impressions to my lab tech. But yes, I do notice decreased errors in my lab work.

How has the relationship with your lab technician changed since the introduction of the digital workflow?

This is new to me and new to my lab tech as well. The lab I use is one of the largest orthodontic labs in Korea. They are trying to transform from using the old, traditional methods to the new digital technique. They have been doing it here and there but of their workflow, only 10% is digital so they are trying to expand digitally as much as possible. We are both trying to learn in this new environment. I am trying to set-up the new technique and machines with my staff, as is my lab tech.  It is a new learning experience for us both and we are trying to figure out the best way to work together. Communication and sending the lab work there and back has gotten a lot faster.

Why did you choose Medit and the i500?

One reason we chose Medit was because the tip that goes into the mouth is smaller compared to other machines and a very affordable price. I tried to use a different machine a few months ago for a month, but it didn’t work out. It was difficult to use, and the tip was too big. It just wasn’t a good fit for us so we didn’t buy it. Medit also has great and impressive customer service. When we call Medit, they respond to us immediately and try to solve the problem with us. This really means a lot to my staff and me.

How was getting used to using the intraoral scanner?

It took me about a week or two but for my staff it was even faster. They are the ones who actually do most of the scanning and use it a lot more than I do. I do about 1 or 2 scans a day while they do about 5 or 6 a day so it makes a difference. One hygienist has very stable hands, so she had no problem after about 3 or 4 sessions.

Have you ever recommended the Medit i500 to others?

I have spoken to and recommended it to a few of my colleagues. As soon as it is on the market I think many people will buy it.

Would you say that there is a growing demand in the Korean community?

Yes. It has been a few years since intraoral scanners began to be a main focus for dentists and orthodontists. We have been closely following what new products and companies are out there. Right now, I think Medit’s i500 has a strong edge over other scanners because of good quality with a reasonable price.

What advice would you give to others who want to use an intraoral scanner?

A major obstacle we have to overcome is training staff to use a new machine. Everyone has a lot to do in the office so whenever we introduce new products, not everyone likes it as it is something new to learn. During our Monday morning meeting, if there is something new I want to bring in, I ask them about it. For the scanner, I told them there were benefits for us all such as shorter chair time, fewer procedures, and saving on materials. Most of the time they agree. With a short learning period, they’ll eventually get used to it. So, it adds a financial and time-saving benefit for the clinic which is good for them as well.

How have the patients reacted to the new scanner and technique?

Most of the time, whenever we introduce a new machine to the patient, they like it. Normally they don’t know about the machines we are using or how it works but they realize the effort we put in to make the treatment better. I also ask them if it is okay to scan instead of using traditional methods for impressions and they love it. However, sterilization is the biggest patient concern. One of my patients is very sensitive so I explained to her about the scanner and she said she would love to give it a try. After the session, she asked me if we sterilize the tip we use. I told her it was a very good question. After every session, we use 3 or 4 intraoral tips and we sterilize them every time. She was happy to know we sterilize the tips every time. It is a big machine going into their mouth, so they care if it is sterilized.

Do you have any final closing remarks to add about your experience with Medit’s intraoral scanner?

It has been a great experience using Medit and I would recommend giving the i500 a try to any dentist.

If you are interested in learning more about Medit i500 Intraoral scanner, please fill out our contact form or visit the product page.

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