Gypsumless Digital Workflow by Ko Dong Hwan

Following our earlier interview with Ko Donghwan, Director of D-Lab and Medit Link power user, he shares with us a case he worked on using Medit i500 scan data. This is a “Gypsumless digital workflow” case done in collaboration with Dr. Kim Jong-yup, Director of Boston Smart Dental Private Practice.

The following is the case study shared by Ko, in his own words.

Prosthetic fabrication using intraoral scan data is becoming increasingly more accurate as the stability of scan data improves. If you have a 3D printer, you can print models at any time, allowing you to experiment with making more diverse digital prostheses.

This case is an anterior 3-unit case using i500 scan data. I will now introduce how to manufacture a build-up crown using a 3D printed model, as well as how to use reference lines to improve the aesthetics.


Proximal caries were made for the purpose of improving the tooth shape and dentition of patients with severe incisor cases. Firstly, the treatment for the three teeth 12, 11, and 21 is carried out, and the arch and shape of the teeth are adjusted to the patient’s oral cavity using temporary teeth.


In the clinic, the dentist scans using the i500 and made reference lines for dental arrangement using the Generic visualization function, one of the add-on mesh functions in exocad. (mid-line, occlusal plane, frontal plane)


Design the entire shape based on the provisional restoration data and the reference lines. You can see that the frontal direction of tooth number 21 is slightly different from the temporary tooth.


For porcelain build up, perform a digital cutback and print out the 3D model. I didn’t create a model for the separation of the abutments. However, if necessary, I would print just the abutment teeth separately to check the fit.


We printed the full contour temporary with the model, which is the basis for the shape of the teeth, the space between each tooth etc. at the time of the build-up. Once the processed coping matches the model, the preparation for the build-up is done.


Build up and finish contouring in line with the planned design. There are printed temporary teeth that can be referenced during manufacturing.


Build up crowns made with intraoral scan data must be accompanied by a printed model. Using a 3D printed model has several advantages over using a gypsum model.

  1. 3D printed models can be re-printed at any time, making it more convenient and efficient in comparison with the gypsum model, which is difficult to re-create if damaged.
  2. Without the use of plaster, the work environment becomes more hygienic, cleaner and safer for employees.
  3. You can work on a greater variety of prostheses using digital data.

This case was made in collaboration with Dr. Kim Jong-yup, Director of Boston Smart Dental Private Practice. You can check more detailed work processes from scans to prosthetics on his YouTube channel.


This was a 3-unit anterior recovery case using i500 data, by Medit Link power user Ko Donghwan. You can read an earlier interview with director Ko Donghwan who is trying to expand the scope of digital prostheses work here.


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