Introducing the digital workflows of Dr. Sameh Shaaban

In this edition of the Medit Times, we’re proud to showcase the workflows of Dr. Sameh Shaaban.

Join the Medit Users Group on Facebook or drop us an email at to share your workflows and helpful insights.

Those featured in the Medit Times will receive a box of tips for Medit intraoral scanners as a thank-you gift.

We always welcome and appreciate your feedback!

Case #1

Reducing the Emergence Profile

Reducing the Emergence Profile - The Medit Times - Medit

Scanning the emergence profile and the temporary restoration profile helped me reproduce the emergence profile to definite restoration.

Reducing the Emergence Profile - The Medit Times - Medit

Reducing the Emergence Profile - The Medit Times - Medit

Case #2

Model Workflow

Model Workflow - The Medit Times - Medit

This is a model workflow for a glass-ceramic endocrown.

Model Workflow - The Medit Times - Medit

Model Workflow - The Medit Times - Medit

Case #3

Medit Design Analysis

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I use the Medit Design app to analyze my design and the milling outcomes of my milling machine.

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“Yes, a digital workflow is somewhat like a game of calibration to get predictable results.”

Case #4

Diastema Closure Workflow

Diastema Closure Workflow - The Medit Times - Medit

This diastema closure procedure for the upper central incisors was achieved by utilizing accurate scans and layered glass ceramic veneers.

Diastema Closure Workflow - The Medit Times - Medit

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