Dr. Mohammad Muwafi’s Fully Digitalized Workflow & More!

The Medit user group is always brimming with incredible workflows, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

We encourage you to share your workflows and helpful tips with us by joining the Medit Users Group on Facebook or by emailing us at mktg@meditcom.kinsta.cloud.

Those featured in the MEDIT Times will receive a box of tips as a small thank you gift.

We always welcome and value your feedback!

Double Digital Scan

By Mohammad Muwafi

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Dr. Mohammad Muwafi practiced a fully digitalized workflow for definitive rehabilitation of full-arch implant-supported restorations.

He was able to complete his treatment in just three sessions.

During the first visit, he acquired records like the jaw scan with SRA scan bodies using the Medit i500.

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Dr. Mohammad Muwafi used Medit Design to align target and reference data.

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The second visit consisted of try-in procedures, and the third visit was dedicated to the full delivery of the full-arch fixed screw-retained monolithic zirconia bridge.

Medit & ClearCorrect

By Atsushi Yamashita

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Dr. Atsushi Yamashita used Medit Design and ClearCorrect to predict root position after orthodontic treatment.

The Power of Being Digital

By Mohammed El-Sayed Abdulhady

The Power of Being Digital - The MEDIT Times - Medit

A patient came in asking for a new smile.

The Power of Being Digital - The MEDIT Times - Medit

Upper arch rehabilitation was fabricated for a smile makeover.

The Power of Being Digital - The MEDIT Times - Medit

Dr. Mohammed El-Sayed Abdulhady believes with precise planning and detailing, digital dentistry leads to amazing results.

Custom-Made Scanner Cart

By Mahmoud A. Nour

Custom-Made Scanner Cart - The MEDIT Times - Medit

Dr. Mahmoud A. Nour customized a steel mobile cart for his Medit scanner with the option of a removable screen holder and a removable case stand so it can be used with both laptops and desktop computers.

Custom-Made Scanner Cart - The MEDIT Times - Medit

Medit Academy - The MEDIT Times - Medit

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