Solving Common Problems in Bite Scan Alignment: Incorrect Bite

Solving Common Problems in Bite Scan Alignment: Incorrect Bites

Following our exploration of incomplete bite scans, this post delves into another common challenge in dental scanning: incorrect bite alignment. This blog post delves into the incorrect bites during the scanning process, explaining the potential causes and providing straightforward solutions to ensure more accurate outcomes.


The Challenge of Incorrect Bite Scans

Incorrect or “wacky” bite scans can happen to any dental professional, and while they may be unsettling, it’s important to approach these situations calmly. Modern software has greatly reduced the frequency of such errors, but they can still occur, often due to soft tissue interference which disrupts the software’s ability to align the dental arches accurately.


Common Causes of Incorrect Bite Scans

The primary culprit in many cases of incorrect bite scans is soft tissue interference. This issue can significantly disrupt the software’s algorithm, which is designed to align the upper and lower arches accurately. Areas particularly prone to causing these issues include:

  • Tuberosities of the Upper Arch: Soft tissue around the tuberosities, including parts of the buccal sulcus, can obscure the software’s view of the upper arch, leading to misalignment.
  • Retromolar Pad Area of the Lower Arch: This area is often problematic, especially when molars are minimally exposed above the gingiva. The scanner might inadvertently capture excessive soft tissue around the retromolar pad and the angle of the mandible, confusing the alignment algorithm.


Steps to Resolve Incorrect Bite Scan

When faced with a distorted bite scan, the approach to resolution is straightforward but requires careful execution:

  1. Identify and Remove Soft Tissue Interference: Utilize the editing tools available in Medit software to remove any excess soft tissue data from the scan. Focus particularly on the areas prone to causing interference.
  2. Restart the Bite Scan: If the scan appears unusually distorted, the simplest solution is often just to delete the problematic bite scan data and start over. This allows the software a fresh attempt at alignment, free from any previously accumulated errors.
  3. Re-evaluate the Scanning Technique: If the issue persists after a restart, closely examine your scanning technique. Ensure that the scanner is not capturing excessive soft tissue, and adjust your approach to focus more on the teeth and less on surrounding tissues.


For a visual guide on how to handle an incorrect bite scan and tips, watch the video here.



Dealing with an incorrect bite during dental scans can be frustrating, but understanding the common causes and knowing how to address them can greatly simplify the process. By paying close attention to the details of your scan and using the tools available, you can ensure that your dental scans lead to accurate and reliable restorations.

For more detailed insights, visit our blog and explore our latest webinar about techniques and troubleshooting for recording occlusion.

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