A Year with the i500: You Asked & We Delivered

We’ve always been proud of our open communication with our community because we believe that our success is possible only because of our users. Especially in the past year, thanks to the constant feedback and suggestions by users in our active Facebook group, we have improved our software tremendously! We’d just like to take this opportunity to thank our users who took the time to give us feedback about Medit Link and iScan, allowing us to prioritize certain features based on popular request. Let’s check out some of your requests!

You asked:


We answered:


You asked:


We answered:


You asked:


Our very own CTO answered:


You asked:


And yes, this will be a new feature in Medit Link V2.1 and iScan V1.3!

We don’t want to give too much away, although those of you who are in our Facebook user group would already know most of the upcoming improvements, especially if you’re one of our beta-testers. Want to be in the know too? Then join our Facebook user group now!


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