A Year with the i500: New Features & Improvements

Continuing from our story last week about how the i500 was conceptualized, let’s take a look at what’s changed over the past year! Since the launch of our intraoral scanner, we’ve been consistently upgrading our software, based on feedback from users, and we’re pleased to be able to continue on this journey with our community as we strive to greater heights. As we gear up to launch the new versions of Medit Link and iScan, check out the new features and improvements that were made over the span of just one year!

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We first did a minor software update four months after the official launch, where we included improvements to Medit Link which were highly requested by our users. This included adding a scanbody scan step for Post & Core, enhancing the post-processing step and integrating the software with colLab Scan. We also improved the alignment algorithm in Medit iScan.

Barely six months after, we released a major update for both Medit Link and iScan, with help from our community who tried out the beta versions of this upgrade. Some highlights of the update to Medit iScan v1.2.0.0 include the option to scan impressions and only scan certain  high resolution, the pre-operation scan stage, the option to scan with white light, and various functions which allow users to manually adjust scan depth and filtering levels.

So, what can we look forward to in the new Medit Link V2.1.0? We won’t spoil the surprise just yet. All we can tell you is that our beta users have been really ecstatic with the results they’ve been getting with this update. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for our announcement when the new version goes live!

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